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Sustainable Development Report 2024

The SDGs and the UN Summit of the Future

Jun 17, 2024

The Sustainable Development Report (SDR) reviews progress made each year on the Sustainable Development Goals since their adoption by the 193 UN Member States in 2015. Published on the eve of the UN Summit of the Future, the Sustainable Development Report 2024 recommends a set of key reforms to the UN system to meet the challenges of the 21st century. This year’s edition also presents a new index of countries’ support to UN-based multilateralism and discusses long-term pathways to attain sustainable food and land systems.

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Europe Sustainable Development Report 2023/24

European Elections, Europe's Future and the Sustainable Development Goals

Jan 25, 2024

The Europe Sustainable Development Report 2023/24 (5th edition) provides an independent quantitative assessment of the progress by the European Union, its member states and partner countries towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In light of the upcoming European Elections and UN Summit of the future, this year’s edition identifies 10 priority actions for the incoming EU leadership to accelerate SDG implementation within Europe and internationally. In the context of a fragmented and multipolar world, the ESDR 2023/24 calls for decisive action by the EU to avoid dangerous environmental and social tipping points.

Arab Region SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2023

Special Edition for the COP28

Dec 4, 2023

Arab Region SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2023 is the latest edition in the regional series that was initiated in 2019 to provide data-driven insights on SDG progress in the region. This COP28 special edition of the SDG index for Arab States features indicators tailored to the region’s context and challenges, and it presents detailed country profiles for each of the 22 Arab states included in the report.

Sustainable Development Report for Small Island Developing States 2023

Addressing structural vulnerability and financing the SDGs in Small Island Developing States

Sep 15, 2023

Ahead of the 2023 SDG Summit and of the 2024 Antigua and Barbuda fourth International Conference on SIDS, the 2023 Sustainable Development Report for SIDS presents for the first time a special edition of the SDG Index to assess where SIDS stand in terms of SDG progress. It also introduces the Multidimensional Structural Vulnerability Index (MSVI) to assess the structural vulnerability of 180 countries worldwide, including 33 SIDS. The report investigates to what extent structural vulnerability impacts the ability of countries to achieve sustainable development, and identifies targeted financing mechanisms that can be used to respond to countries’ specific needs and vulnerabilities.

Benin Sustainable Development Report 2023

Strengthening Human Capital and Reducing Inequalities

Jul 14, 2023

The Benin Sustainable Development Report 2023 marks the second edition of monitoring the performance and trends of the SDGs in Benin, as well as the policies aimed at achieving them. In a context of multiple crises, including COVID-19, geopolitical instabilities, and climate change, the world faces challenges in progressing towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Sachs et al., 2023). Despite these challenges, Benin is committed to continuing its economic and social development while ensuring that no one is left behind. This edition focuses on Transformation 1 (education, gender, and inequalities) as well as Transformation 2 (health, well-being, and demographics) within the "Six Transformations" framework (Sachs et al., 2019), which aim to enhance human capital and reduce socio-economic and gender inequalities.

Sustainable Development Report 2023

Implementing the SDG Stimulus

Jun 21, 2023

The Sustainable Development Report (SDR) reviews progress made each year on the Sustainable Development Goals since their adoption by the 193 UN Member States in 2015. At the halfway mark to 2030, the Sustainable Development Report 2023 takes stock of progress made and discusses priorities to restore and accelerate SDG progress. Published on the eve of the 2023 Paris Summit for a New Global Financial Pact, this year’s edition focuses specifically on the need to scale up development finance and to reform the global financial architecture to support the SDGs.

Europe Sustainable Development Report 2022

Achieving the SDGs: Europe’s Compass in a Multipolar World

Dec 5, 2022

The Europe Sustainable Development Report 2022 (4th edition) was prepared by a team of independent researchers at the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) in collaboration with SDSN Europe. It builds on the methodology of the annual Sustainable Development Report, including the SDG Index and Dashboards, issued by the SDSN and Bertelsmann Stiftung since 2016.

L’SDSN Italia SDGs City Index per un’Italia Sostenibile: comprendere dove siamo per capire dove andare

Report di aggiornamento 2022

Nov 11, 2022

Four years after the publication of the first "SDSN Italy SDGs City Index for a Sustainable Italy”, this work presents the data updated to 2022 for the main municipalities in Italy, providing a comparative interpretation, where feasible, of the changes occurred in the two years following the Covid-19 pandemic.

Benin Sustainable Development Report 2022

Pilot Reference Report

Jul 13, 2022

It presents Benin's starting point in its new commitment to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda following the inaugural issue of the SDG Eurobond in 2021. It is the first report to provide an independent analysis of the country's SDG performance and trends compared to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) as well as the policies and progress.

Índice de Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Cidades – Brasil

A evolução das 5.570 cidades brasileiras em direção a Agenda 2030 da ONU

Jul 8, 2022

O Índice de Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Cidades – Brasil (IDSC-BR) permite uma visão geral e integrada das cidades brasileiras em cada um dos ODS. É uma ferramenta que visa estimular o cumprimento da Agenda 2030 e uma oportunidade para as cidades se integrarem à mais avançada agenda global de desenvolvimento sustentável. Graças ao Índice o Brasil é o único país do mundo a acompanhar os desafios e avanços de todas as cidades na Agenda 2030. O IDSC-BR é uma iniciativa do Instituto Cidades Sustentáveis, no âmbito do Programa Cidades Sustentáveis, em parceria com o Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), apoio do Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento (Cebrap) e financiamento do Projeto CITinova.

Sustainable Development Report 2022

From Crisis to Sustainable Development, the SDGs as Roadmap to 2030 and Beyond

Jun 2, 2022

Peace, diplomacy, and international cooperation are fundamental conditions for the world to progress on the SDGs towards 2030 and beyond. For the second year in a row, the world is no longer making progress on the SDGs. A global plan to finance the SDGs is needed. At mid-point on the way to 2030, policy efforts and commitments supporting the SDGs vary significantly across countries, including among G20 countries.

SDGs for Malaysian States

Monitoring the Performance of the SDGs at the State Level

May 27, 2022

This website highlights insightful findings about state level SDG performance. At the overview level, Federal Territories of Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Labuan) have the best SDG performance in the country while Kelantan on other hand have the lowest SDG performance.

Arab SDG Index and Dashboard Report 2022

Apr 27, 2022

The Arab region continues to face common challenges on numerous fronts. The ongoing ‘Decade of Action for the Sustainable Development Goals’ effectively started with socioeconomic problems triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Europe Sustainable Development Report 2021

Transforming the European Union to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

Dec 14, 2021

The Europe Sustainable Development Report 2021 is the third edition of our independent quantitative report on the progress of the European Union and European countries towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report was prepared by teams of independent experts at the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP).

United States Sustainable Development Report 2021

Nov 16, 2021

The report measures the progress of all 50 US states towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It can help states and regions understand where they're making progress, where they need to move faster, and where they're headed in the wrong direction.

Paraguay Sustainable Development Report 2021

Presentando el Primer Índice ODS para el Paraguay

Nov 8, 2021

El Informe de Desarrollo Sostenible para Paraguay 2021 presenta el progreso y desafíos de los 17 departamentos y la capital en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. El presente informe es el fruto de una colaboración entre la Red de Soluciones para el Desarrollo Sostenible (SDSN) y el Ministerio de Hacienda de Paraguay con el apoyo del Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo de Paraguay y de Itaipú Binacional.

Uruguay Sustainable Development Report 2021

A special edition benchmarking Uruguay against OECD countries

Aug 2, 2021

This report presents a special edition of the SDG Index and Dashboards. Uruguay is benchmarked against OECD countries using a specific set of SDG indicators available for these countries.

Sustainable Development Report 2021

The Decade of Action for the Sustainable Development Goals

Jun 14, 2021

The Sustainable Development Report 2021 presents the SDG Index and Dashboards for all UN member states, outlines the short-term impacts of COVID-19 on the SDGs, and describes how the SDGs can frame the recovery.

In the Red: the US Failure to Deliver on a Promise of Racial Equality

A visualization exploring racial inequality in delivering the SDGs in the US

May 5, 2021

The US is failing to deliver on its promise of racial equality. While the US founding documents assert that ‘all men are created equal,’ this value is not demonstrated in outcomes across areas as diverse and varied as education, justice, health, gender, and pollution. On average, white communities receive resources and services at a rate approximately three times higher, than the least-served racial community (data on Asian, Black, Indigenous, Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, Hispanic, Multiracial and ‘Other’ racial communities, were used as available). Evidence shows that unequal treatment impacts each of these communities, however, it is most often Black and Indigenous communities that are left the furthest behind.”

Europe Sustainable Development Report 2020

Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic

Dec 8, 2020

The Europe Sustainable Development Report 2020 is the second edition of our independent quantitative report on the progress of the European Union and its member states towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report was prepared by teams of independent experts at the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP).

Informe Los ODS en 100 ciudades españolas 2020

Informe Los ODS en 100 ciudades españolas

Nov 30, 2020

Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en 100 ciudades españolas ¿Cómo está avanzando la Agenda 2030 a nivel local? Una mirada práctica 30 noviembre 2020 El informe sobre los ODS en 100 ciudades españolas 2020 muestra el estado de los ODS en las principales ciudades españolas a través de 106 indicadores analizados y se trata de una segunda edición. El informe ha sido elaborado por la Red Española de Desarrollo Sostenible (REDS) con la colaboración de Ecoembes y Sustainabl Development Solutions Network (SDSN).

2020 Africa SDG Index and Dashboards Report

Sep 30, 2020

The 2020 Africa SDG Index and Dashboards Report provides an assessment of where African countries stand with respect to the SDGs and their progress toward the goals, with the additional lens of “leave no one behind.” The report also includes a preliminary analysis of the impact of COVID‑19 on the SDGs in Africa.

Municipal Atlas of the SDGs in Bolivia 2020

Jul 27, 2020

The Municipal Atlas of the Sustainable Development Goals in Bolivia 2020 presents Bolivia's progress on the SDGs at the country, departmental, and municipal level. The report was produced by SDSN Bolivia in collaboration with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) team in Paris as well as several other organizations.

The SDSN Italia SDGs City Index

Jul 15, 2020

After two years from the publication of the SDSN Italia SDGs City Index (FEEM 2018), the following Report presents data updated to 2020 as the Italian capitals of provinces are concerned, proposing a comparison of them, where possible and subjected to appropriate methodological considerations, after two years.

Sustainable Development Report 2020

The Sustainable Development Goals and Covid-19

Jun 30, 2020

The Sustainable Development Report 2020 presents the SDG Index and Dashboards for all UN member states and frames the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in terms of six broad transformations.

2019 SDG Index for Latin America and the Caribbean

Jun 17, 2020

The 2019 SDG Index for Latin America and the Caribbean presents the first comparable monitoring tool among Latin American and the Caribbean countries regarding their progress towards achieving the SDGs. The data collection, computation and report writing was led by the SDG Center for Latin America in the Caribbean (CODS) in Bogotá, Colombia, and it is based on SDSN global SDG Index initiative.

2019 Europe Sustainable Development Report

Nov 19, 2019

The 2019 Europe Sustainable Development Report is the first independent quantitative report on the progress of the European Union and its member states towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report was prepared by teams of independent experts at the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP).

2019 Arab Region SDG Index and Dashboards Report

Nov 18, 2019

The *Arab Region SDG Index and Dashboards* are intended as a tool for governments and other stakeholders to measure progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and to highlight gaps in both implementation and data. The 2019 Arab Region SDG Index is the first in its kind and is therefore also intended as a conversation-opener about priority areas, policies and actions.

Sustainable Development Report 2019 – Mediterranean Countries Edition

Oct 15, 2019

The Sustainable Development Report 2019 – Mediterranean Countries Edition is a synthetic review of the fourth edition of the Sustainable Development Report 2019, including integrated contents and tables editing, specifically focusing on 23 Mediterranean countries. It was drafted by a team of experts of the University of Siena – Santa Chiara Lab, as hosting institution of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network for the Mediterranean Area (SDSN-Mediterranean), in an effort to raise awareness on the SDGs and foster the implementation of transformation strategies.

2019 Africa SDG Index and Dashboards Report

Jul 17, 2019

The 2019 Africa SDG Index and Dashboards Report is a call for action not only to meet the SDGs but also to ensure timely and high-quality data on SDG indicators. The report focuses on the efforts that African governments are taking to incorporate the SDGs into their national strategies, budgets, public engagements, and coordination among branches of government.

2019 US Cities Sustainable Development Report

Jul 8, 2019

The 2019 US Cities Sustainable Development Report is SDSN’s third city-level report ranking 105 US cities on progress towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 (SDGs). The results show that there will be significant work to do across the board if the SDGs are to be achieved by 2030, as cities on average scored only 48.9%.

Sustainable Development Report 2019

Transformations to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

Jun 28, 2019

The Sustainable Development Report 2019 presents the SDG Index and Dashboards for all UN member states and frames the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in terms of six broad transformations.

SDG Index and Dashboards Report for European Cities

May 22, 2019

This 2019 SDG Index and Dashboards Report for European Cities (prototype version) provides an overview of the performance of 45 capital cities and large metropolitan areas on the Agenda 2030 and 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by global leaders in September 2015 at the UN Sustainable Development Summit. It builds on previous work conducted by SDSN to monitor the SDGs at national and subnational levels and on TELOS’ scoping study “Sustainability Monitoring of European Cities” prepared in collaboration with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment.

Los ODS en 100 ciudades españolas 2018

Oct 16, 2018

La Red Española para el Desarrollo Sostenible (REDS), capítulo español de la red de Naciones Unidas SDSN, ha elaborado la primera edición del informe “Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en 100 ciudades españolas”, una herramienta clave para las administraciones locales en la evaluación de los avances en la aplicación de la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible.

Sustainable Development Report of the United States 2018

Sep 28, 2018

This report analyzes the baseline of the 50 US states on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs were unanimously adopted by the world’s governments in September 2015 as the globally agreed framework to achieve sustainable development, meaning the combination of social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and economic development.

SDG Index and Dashboards 2018

Jul 9, 2018

The SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2018 presents a revised and updated assessment of countries’ distance to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It includes detailed SDG Dashboards to help identify implementation priorities for the SDGs. The report also provides a ranking of countries by the aggregate SDG Index of overall performance.

Africa SDG Index and Dashboards 2018

Jul 6, 2018

The Africa SDG Index and Dashboards are a tool to track progress toward the SDGs, to help pinpoint key implementation challenges, and to assist countries in benchmarking their SDG performance against their African peers. It draws on official and unofficial SDG data as well as elements of Agenda 2063 to identify priorities for action in order to achieve the SDGs. 51 countries are ranked in the Index and all 54 African countries have full country profiles with detailed dashboards and trends analysis.

2018 U.S. Cities SDGs Index

Jun 8, 2018

This 2nd annual report from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) ranks the 100 most populous metropolitan areas in the U.S. on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is particularly relevant for urban leaders whose engagement is crucial for sustainable development, as 85% of the U.S. population live in cities.

2017 U.S. Cities SDG Index

Achieving a Sustainable Urban America

Aug 10, 2017

America is the world’s richest large economy, with the world’s leading technologies and institutions of higher learning. Yet, the United States of America (U.S.) is falling behind other countries on a range of indicators relating to quality-of-life, economic opportunity, and environmental management. Nowhere is this problem more apparent than in American cities, which are home to 62.7 percent of the domestic population. This U.S. Cities SDG Index aims to set a framework for action and help urban leaders address the many sustainable development challenges affecting their cities. The Index covers the 100 most populous cities (measured as Metropolitan Statistical Areas, or MSAs). It synthesizes data available today across 49 indicators spanning 16 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were agreed upon by all countries in September 2015. The data provides a more holistic and comprehensive assessment of sustainable development challenges faced by U.S. cities than available through other metrics. Results show that all U.S. cities, even those at the top of the Index, have far to go to achieve the SDGs.

SDG Index and Dashboards 2017

Jul 6, 2017

The 2017 edition of the SDG Index and Dashboards Report provides a report card for country performance on the historic Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The annual report shows how leaders can deliver on their promise and it urges countries not to lose the momentum for important reforms.

SDG Index and Dashboards 2016

Jul 20, 2016

The 2016 edition of the SDG Index and Dashboards Report introduced the unofficial SDG Index and Dashboards and summarized the preliminary results. The report created for the first time a measure of the SDG starting point for 2015 at the country level. It was created to help every country identify priorities for early action, understand the key implementation challenges and identify the gaps that must be closed in order to achieve the SDGs by 2030.

SDG Index Report 2015

Jul 20, 2015

The 2015 SDG Index Report measured the SDG performance of 34 industrialized countries. It was published by Bertelsmann Stiftung and produced with support of the SDSN Secretariat and member institutions.

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